Wellspring was engaged by Open Capital and Shell Foundation to provide Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) support to three market accelerators (MAs) under the Shell Foundation-funded Market under the Market Institution Facility (MIF). The objective was to support the MAs to develop M&E frameworks and tools to measure the impact of their work in the off-grid energy space.



Our support included developing a theory of change, impact framework with a set of KPIs, and an accompanying stakeholder survey. Tools were tailored to each MAs activities and workstreams (e.g. market intelligence, access to finance, testing new technologies and business models, and enabling environment).

Throughout our support, we worked closely with the MAs to ensure we accurately incorporated both current and planned activities, and that each MA’s capacity was improved to implement and update the M&E tools in the future.

The support is expected to have strengthened the MAs monitoring and reporting capacity, enabling them to better track the impact across their different activities, inform decision making, and raise additional funding from funders.

Funders and clients

Shell Foundation

Open Capital Advisors

Team members

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