Wellspring was contracted by IDH’s Farmfit to complete a review of the Learning Framework and Indicators within the Service Delivery Model (SDM) methodology.
Farmfit’s SDM model uses data collected from agribusinesses that provide services to smallholder farmers to develop insights that are used to design and co-invest in projects to improve the efficiency, effectiveness, resilience, scale, impact and commercial viability of farmer engagement by the service delivery provider.
The aim of our study was to review the key drivers, hypotheses and indicators used in the SDM model and provide recommendations on how to improve the quality of the model. Our review was also used to inform the development and day-to-day use of the Farmfit learning framework.
Our work involved consultations with the Farmfit team and selected external stakeholders and some desk-research (including a literature review).
Our final outputs included a new thematic framework, which provided greater structure for the SDM model; a revised list of indicators that the SDM model should include; and some guidance on the definition and approach to calculating selected indicators.