The Southern Agricultural Growth Corridor of Tanzania (SAGCOT) is a partnership between the Tanzania government, the private sector and development partners. It works to benefit smallholder farmers in Tanzania’s Southern Corridor, which is home to 9 million people, by boosting agricultural productivity, improving food security, reducing poverty and ensuring environmental sustainability. It was created to facilitate dialogue and a better business environment and thus stimulate investment in the region. The centre has proved effective in facilitating links between SAGCOT’s partners as well as public–private dialogue up to national level.
DFID Tanzania commissioned Wellspring to carry out a project completion report for DFID’s support to the SAGCOT Centre. This aimed to capture lessons and inform future support to commercial agriculture in Tanzania. We assessed overall performance (of the centre and DFID’s support programme), organisational capacity (performance, staffing, governance and coordination) and learning (monitoring activities, strategy and lessons identified). Our assessment was based on the centre’s existing information, discussions with staff, partners and potential partners, and a review of approaches by other organisations.