Gatsby Africa – Agricultural Development Finance Study

Gatsby Africa works to build competitive sectors that will drive long-term inclusive growth and support the wider structural transformation of economies. Financing is a key part of this, and Gatsby aims to channel investment from others, leveraging partnerships across the public, private and development sectors.


Gastby commissioned Wellspring to fill a knowledge gap on the development finance vehicles available and how far the different approaches have contributed to structural transformation beyond the success of individual firms. The projectsought to understand which type(s) of development finance can enable the growth and transformation of sectors/industries.

We 1) compiled a range of case studies where development finance has successfully transformed sectors, 2) compared these lessons to finance available now and the needs of the agricultural sector and 3) advised on where finance gaps exist and made recommendations on what is needed to meet the Sustainable Development Goals involving agriculture.

Funders and clients

Gatsby Africa

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