We conducted a Summative Evaluation of the IDRC Livestock Vaccine Innovation Fund (LVIF) which aimed to support innovation and research to increase livestock vaccine development, efficacy, use, and commercialisation, with a focus on priority livestock diseases for smallholder farmers in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). 


We assessed the effectiveness of the LVIF, with a focus on the quality of research produced and the outcomes achieved.  Upon reviewing the Theory of Change (ToC) prepared by the IDRC, we prepared a research toolkit for evaluation, utilising a mixed-methods approach drawing from quantitative survey data with grantees and qualitative key informant interview data with grantees, and internal/external industry and programme stakeholders. We assessed evaluation questions against judgement criteria, and we drew upon IDRC’s Research Quality Plus framework to assess scientific rigour, research legitimacy, research importance and positioning for use.

Our findings from the evaluation inform future programming carried out by IDRC on livestock vaccines (e.g. LVIF second phase) as well as broader work that aims to tackle development challenges through research calls and effective public-private research partnerships (e.g. InnoVet-AMR fund Phase 2). They also provide accountability to IDRC and funding partners by sharing representative data which will assess the effectiveness of the LVIF portfolio. Finally, the report shared some key learnings with other funders and practitioners to accelerate change in the Animal Health space, where relevant.

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